Lake Okeechobee Bass Fishing Report
Be prepared for your next Florida fishing trip – read the latest Bass Fishing reports from professional bass guides on Lake Okeechobee and get the latest fishing reports from professional Peacock Bass Guides in South Florida. Fishing Reports from the Florida Everglades are available as well.

Lake Okeechobee Trophy Bass Fishing
November Fishing Report
- November 07, 2017
August Fishing Report
- August 21, 2017
Good bass fishing in the earliest hours of the day, but don’t be late.
Try Kreamer Island’s Long Point and the shorelines from Coot Bay to the East Wall for bass. Sales of crickets have been good, with most anglers dunking baits along the Rim Canal in areas where there is moving water, like the Moore Haven Lock and John Stretch Park, at the mouth of the Miami Canal in South Bay.
Come on down to Roland Martin’s Marina to start your Lake O bass fishing trip.
July Fishing Report
- July 21, 2017
June Fishing Report
- June 22, 2017
Late May Fishing Report
- May 25, 2017
The last week has proved that Lake Okeechobee fishing is alive and well. Several bass tournaments over the past weekend where multiple 5 fish limits each day that weighed in at over 20 pounds. With the lake fishing as well as it is right now there are multiple areas that have produced great numbers of fish. The Observation Shoal area produced very well flipping and pitching the outside grass and Buggy Whips. 15-20 fish in the 1-4 pound range are not uncommon pitching 1/2 oz tungsten weights , 4/0 Owner Rigging Hooks and a Gambler Why Not in Junebug , Backatya or Green Pumpkin color. At the Cochrans Pass area the same technique works well.
May Fishing Report
- May 09, 2017
Fishing on Lake Okeechobee is heating up. For the past two weekends we have had Bass Busters Tournaments as well as The RMMC Series. Each event has been won with bags of 26+ pounds and multiple bags over 20 pounds. With the water levels receding this time of year the fish are on the move from the back grass areas to open water or outside cover such at Buggy Whips or outside patches of Pepper Grass. The Observation Shoal and Indian Prairie area pitching Black Blue 3/4 to 1oz jigs with a Black Blue Trailer pitched into the reeds. Stay a short distance off the reeds so when your bait clears the reed line you still have room to slow swim the jig back to the boat.
Late March Fishing Report
- March --, 2017
Captain Tom Mann reports that the Lake level is 12.74 and falling. Most all fish are moving to the outside of Lake Okeechobee with the water falling and the water temps rising. Numbers have been good this week with a few good fish. South outside long point is a good area for fishing. Pepper grass early white swimjig. Shad spawn is about to happen and that means the early bite will be good. Shoal has been good this week for small fish on the outside. North shore remains good but is getting the most pressure. Live bait is still best for the big fish.
Late March Fishing Report
- March 08, 2017
Pelican Bay has produced numbers of Lake Okeechobee fish in the 1-3 pound range. Mostly male fish that are either guarding a bed or fry. We are in the period of pre and post spawn as well as spawning so moving baits such as Big EZ or Swim Jigs have worked well. Color seems to be white or shad colors along with Copperfield. Inside Buzzards Roost the holes and pockets around lily pads have fish hanging around them more in the afternoon when the sun gets up. Dead stick a Watermelon Red Zoom Super Fluke or a Gambler Fat Ace in Watermelon Red or Junebug. The Lake Okeechobee Crappie fish are still biting around the Hog Pen and along the Rim Canal south toward Bear Beach Channel.
February Fishing Report
- Febuary 02, 2017
Last week has been full of fun and excitement. The Uncle Joe’s area of the lake has produced good numbers of bass ranging 1-3 pounds. Gambler Fat Ace in Black/Blue Flake or Junebug or a Gambler Burner Worm in those same colors seem to be the bait of choice. For the flippers and pitchers a Gambler Why Not in Black /Blue / Blue Tip has worked as well. Other areas to look at have been from Cochrans Pass and Blue Hole toward Clewiston. Early in the morning look for eel grass or pepper grass and use a 3/8 swim jig in white or black/blue color with a easy swimmer trailer. This time of year you can never count out a big fish to be roaming around looking for shad or shiners early in the mornings. The Speck bite or Crappie bite has been great as well.